The Creator Mindset
“Ken Ferlic asks the relevant question “What does your consciousness seek to express?” The technique of calibrating your internal compass is one of the many aspects of RYUC that resonates with Jungian understandings of creative tension. In the video Calibrating your internal compass…, Ken Ferlic’s creation partner Creativity Trust narrates Ken’s meditation on accessing personal experience as a methodology to accessing personal truth.”
— Vijay Ramanathan
What associations come up for you when you hear the word “Creativity”? Take a moment to contemplate that. More often than not, some application of creativity comes to mind. We think of the arts as a discipline, or innovative problem solving, or a synthesis of various technologies or methods of implementing an understanding.
Three years ago, I was introduced to the understanding of Ken Ferlic who has written extensively on ‘creativity’ in his website. I was pleasantly surprised to be reoriented from my prior understanding of relating creativity to its application to seeing the creating awareness that is engaging in this application as the fundamental creativity; this is the “creator” mindset. He writes, “The fundamental understanding of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is that we are creative beings and we will always create. We cannot not create. The life we live is a creation. As any true creation, our life is something original and not seen or previously experienced by anyone before us or anyone who comes after us.”
Building on this fundamental understanding, Ken teaches on the relationship between the heart and the mind, advising us to shift away from cognitive to the heartfelt space of somatic awareness. This is related to the energetic flow of awareness that moves us from the known spaces into the unknown. “Although most individuals do not talk about a creative spirit it is interesting to note how much common language gives a different role to the mind and to the heart.” Ken addresses the obstacles to living a life led by the heart in his website and the shift away from the mind that created the obstacle to the present-centered awareness of the senses led by the heart that can see our life with fresh perspectives.
Ken writes, “We can choose to face whatever obstacles exist to access the creativity we need to solve a particular problem. Or, we can go about reconstituting our creative ability and creative power to have available whatever we need when we need it.” Whatever comes with reorienting ourselves to our “birthright”, as Ken puts it, of viewing ourselves as a creator will be determined by our energetic signature that directs our life flow. It is this fundamental shift that allows us to cease all victim consciousness. We need to shift our responsibility and power to our own choice rather than outer circumstances. In fact, we participate in the creation of said circumstances.
In the YouTube channel RYUC and Beyond, Intro to RYUC and beyond, Ken narrates how relationships can foster the heartfelt space to inspire each individual to access and communicate their creative passion and foster a space wherein the Source is accessed to create a life worth living. Ken Ferlic asks the relevant question “What does your consciousness seek to express?” The technique of calibrating your internal compass is one of the many aspects of RYUC that resonates with Jungian understandings of creative tension. In the video Calibrating your internal compass…, Ken Ferlic’s creation partner Creativity Trust narrates Ken’s meditation on accessing personal experience as a methodology to accessing personal truth.
When we listen to the somatic witnessing the body engages in through the feelings we experience, we are able to shift our attention towards the source of creation that we are always connected to in every moment in our life. By witnessing our own natural responses we can understand that our bodies are calibrated to point towards truth. On a somatic level we know when deception is present. Cultivating awareness and planting seeds in our attention field will give rise to realization crops. When we are open to the energetic flow of our heart we can cultivate awareness above all else that will guide us to a life worth living.
I personally interviewed Ken Ferlic on two occasions on my podcast The Truth to Power Show that streams on Radio Free Brooklyn. He explored the limiting beliefs that block the individual from expressing their authentic self. He speaks on holding space for each other through creative play and rituals such as sandplay, a modality inspired by Jungian understanding. When we are authentic to what is arising within ourselves, we live from the perspective of trust and acceptance of our full consciousness that produces the experiences we are guided to have. We entered this life with conscious choice and this life is guided by this choice.
In many ways, the RYUC understanding is a radical reorientation of our understanding of creative tension. When we create an experience we allow for us to hold space for all emotions so that we can respond rather than react. The central theme of my podcast illuminates the empowerment that comes with discovering our truth. In both episodes Ken illuminates many illustrations of this understanding that can be seen in examples and stories that speak to our underlying truth.
His understanding offers a richness that is sorely underrepresented in today’s world.
Ferlic, K. (2022, March 26). Calibrating your internal compass - part one | discerning personal truth (RYUC and beyond). YouTube. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from
Ferlic, K. (2022, June 1). Intro to ryuc and beyond. YouTube. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from
Ferlic, K. Releasing your unlimited creativity. Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from
Ferlic, K., R. Nathan, V., & Raven, S.. Release Your Creativity (Ep. 194). The Truth to Power Show. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from
Ferlic, K., R. Nathan, V., & Hinds, J. The Accidental Mystic (Ep. 101). The Truth to Power Show. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from