Applications for Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism’s Teen Summer Program are now open. ARAS's free summer art program helps teens explore their own inner and outer worlds through art and symbols. Participants will make their own art inspired by a symbol to which they feel connected and will deepen those connections through visits to museums, conversations with working artists, and explorations of the world's cultures. For over a decade this program has given teens the unprecedented opportunity to learn about art in a way that centers around their own experiences and cultural background, facilitating a more personal relationship with making art as well as a new way to process the world around them.

If you know someone for whom this program would be a great fit, we encourage you to share this application.

Click here for more information about the program.

This program is free and open to students ranging from ages 14 to 17. The program will run from Monday, July 7th to Friday July 18th.

Click here to apply!